How to maintain blog consistency while being sick


Some quick tips to maintain blog consistency when you are not well.

This is a fact that we all get sick, you can’t avoid that. There are some things that everyone have to face,, having sick days are one of those, being sick in itself is a nuisance. I’m writing this post while suffering from fever, what can be more bad as every solo blog owner who is the only one writing for their blog, they have to worry about the consistency. If you have read my other post then you must be knowing that how much I emphasize on delivering a content consistently.

Being consistent at the time of illness is one of the most difficult part of a bloggers life. what can we do its unavoidable we have to deal with it. Most of the professional bloggers know this that there will be a few days when they won’t be able to publish a blog post. So to over come these obstacles they have some preparations before hand. I suggests that if you are serious about blogging then you should also have these below tips in mind.

Prepare reserve post

This is for those who write content which is not time specific. means that the content is not going to be outdated if it gets posted after a couple of days. This can be anything from a personal experience to any thing you like to blog about but remember that it should be a quality post.

When those times come when you won’t be able to publish a post then these post will become a life saver. Here’s a tip: If you want to create some reserved posts then I suggest that you should at least create 5 backup posts in case you get sick for more than one day. After you recover from illness you should start creating more backup post apart from you regular ones.

Schedule you post

scheduling-maintain-blog-consistencyThis is one of my favorite ways to maintain blog consistency, in this method you have to create as many posts you can per day. Lets take an example if I created 2 posts first day then 3 posts next day this makes a total of 5 posts, when I schedule these posts on 1 post per day then each post will be published everyday automatically. Scheduling can also be wonderful on daily basis many professionals likes to use this service.

This process can be a gem when you don’t have the time to login to publish a post, every thing is take care of automatically. You can also combine this step with the one above, all you have to do is put a schedule date on your reserve posts.

Hire a freelancer

This is one of those steps that you have to take if you content is time specific or you don’t have your reserved blog post ready. If you are one of those bloggers who blogs about the stuff which becomes useless as the time passes like news or a product launch. In that case you have to hire someone to do work for you. Now a days there are a lot of freelancers available to work for very little money, you can specify the length as well as topic you want the article on, you can also specify the additional details about the article you want freelancer to write.


By this way you won’t have to hire some one on full-time basis, with a freelancer you only have to pay for the article that he writes for you, you can have as many articles a you like depending on your budget. (Here’s a tip: before hiring a freelancer you must check his work, you can also short list two or three beforehand for emergency purpose).


I say that when someone gets sick then there should be a complete rest. You should relax without worrying about your blog consistency, blogging comes with a bit of challenges, if you plan for these challenges the right way then your blogging journey will be more fun than a challenge.

If you liked the suggested tips then please share it, If you like to tell us about how you maintain blog consistency while dealing with the days of illness or which tip you like suggested by me, feel free to drop us a comment

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