Most Important things to do after a blog post

When ever i make a blog post, I’m really exited to publish it. After publishing a blog post we all think that we are done, and we can concentrate on our next post. Well this is where we miss out lot of important things to do after a blog post, in fact the main work starts after you’ve published the post. These important things covers from marketing to making your post socially viral.


As far as I’m concerned i like to do these in proper way, which is a step by step process that helps me to cover all the things in a complete and systematic manner. You are not bound to follow my steps, you can create your own way to do these important things after publishing your post. So without taking much time I’ll start with the most important things to do after a blog post.

1 Make it Social

Ok i know every one who has a blog never neglects social integration to their blog, even i have sharing on social network option enabled on my blog. This is not what i want to tell you, social network integration is for the visitors of your website, if they like the content they share it on the different networks.What i want to tell is that you have to work for your post, you have to post links of your post on facebook, linkedin, twitter, Google+, you can even pin your post to pinterest or submit it to reddit. This will let the people in your circle know about the post you created and if they likes your post they shares it. this helps your content reach more people.

You can also make a facebook page and a pinterest board to post links of your post or pin your post to the pinterest board. Making a special place for your blog posts on social networking websites is an essential part of blogging, as this not only lets you make more audience for your website, but this will also let you make your website a brand.

2 Comment on same type of posts

Commenting is also essential part of a website, when ever you publish a post you want people to like it and express their views by making comments on the post. You should make a point to leave comments on the posts related to the post you just created, You should be wondering that how can this help your blog post and why this is important. By leaving a comment on posts of same topic on different blogs will let you have the opportunity of making the readers of their blog to come to read your blog post.

You can do this by adding a link to your post in the comment you are making, you should also include a reason that should give them a reason to click your link. This is also an important thing to do after a blog post you should keep in check to do.

3 Submit post to blog directories

Submitting post to blog directories another important thing to do after a blog post, this step will not generate the direct traffic for your blog. Why this step is important is that if you submit your post to blog directories they will index it to their list, which will let you have a Backlink which will help your search engine ranking. This step can really boost the SEO of your website.

Submitting to these blog directories will help you in search ranking, as the ranking of your post increases so does the visitors of your post. This step gives you benefit on SEO as well as increase in visitors of your blog.

4 Posting on Forums

You have to express your views on the forums that are related to your niche. When you find the thread on the topic you made post on, there you can place the link to your post which tells the audience that what they will get in your post. This will increase your visitors and that link will be on that forum till the time the forum is online.

Sharing your views on forums will also let you know about the views of other people on the same topic this can help you update the post in future if you find anything new.

5 Reply to comments

This is one of the important things to do after a blog post. You should make it a habit to reply to the comments that you get on your post, this will make a bond between you and your audience. If you neglect to reply to the comments then a visitor can lose interest in your website and can even leave forever.

Every reader of a blog is important so don’t neglect a single one, even we don’t like a blog where we post a comment and don’t get a reply, this is like talking to our-self. I feel like I’m being ignored and this make me lose interest in some blogs, sometimes i even think that author is arrogant.

Even if you are not able to reply to every comment but do make it a habit to reply to a few so that when some one leaves a comment they knows that you have previously replied to comment, this will give a positive impact.

6 Read your post

This is in my opinion one of the most important things to do after a blog post, i know you would have checked for the grammatical mistakes prior publishing post so I’m not going to tell you this, What I’m telling you to read your whole post again, I know you have written it so you know each and every line of it. With this reading you’ll get to know that if you post is interesting enough for others to read, you can also take help of family members or friends, let them read your post and tell them to give you an honest review that whether they liked the content or not.

If you or the person reading the post does not find the post interesting then this means that something is wrong with the content and you have to make changes to the way you are writing so that it can be more interesting to read.

7 Add it to Newsletter

One you have made a post and is satisfied with it you should add it to the newsletter of your blog. Studies have shown that newsletter can be a very powerful tool to make your post reach your audience, even more powerful than social networking sites. Yeah you heard that right, even more powerful than social networking sites, let me explain when ever we post a link in social networking sites the only people we reach are those who are online at that time otherwise the story gets old and starts to lose its position towards new stories.

In newsletter person always has that in their inbox so that when ever they check it they can look at your post by the link.

8 Add to Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a way to spread your post to new audience, i know that this process has lost its touch as far as SEO is concerned, but it still has lot more benefits than just SEO. Bookmarking your post to social bookmarking websites like ( Delicious, Stumbleupon, reddit.. etc) will help you get more audience, these social bookmarking websites have a huge user base which will make your post to reach many visitors.

If these visitors finds your content useful then there is a chance that they can become your regular and loyal audience. So keep this in mind to submit you post on social bookmaking websites.


These are the way which i like to follow after I make a blog post, you can have your own way of things to do after a post. You can do these points in any order you prefer, If you have other points that you do after you publish a post and would like to share it with us then fell free to let us know about by leaving a comment.

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Achin Verma

I'm Achin Verma writer and creator of zdidit. you can follow me on facebook ,

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